April 26, 2012

Academic Program

In order to enable educational world to the organisation and to reach a content providing different angles on the main theme of the biennial, “Imperfection”, the Istanbul Design Biennial cooperated with relevant 68 departments of various universities in Istanbul, Ankara, Eskisehir, Izmir and Cyprus. In 2011-2012 academic year, urban design, architecture, industrial design, new media design, and fashion departments of universities will organise workshops, competitions, and special projects within the biennial theme. Projects shaped with works of students will be exhibited in the faculty buildings of the relevant universities. The Glass Furnace Foundation will participate to the programme and interpret the biennial theme within the training programme with international glass artists in 2012. It will be possible to follow works by The Glass Furnace Foundation during the biennial.

List of Universities

Anadolu University
Faculty of Architecture and Design
Department of Interior Design
Department of Industrial Design

Bahçeşehir University
Faculty of Communication
Department of Communication Design

Başkent University
Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture
Department of Visual Arts and Design

Bilgi University
Faculty of Communication
Department of Visual Communication
Faculty of Architecture
Department of Architecture
Department of Interior Design
Department of Industrial Design
School of Applied Sciences Fashion Design

Bilkent University
Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
Department of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
Department of Graphic Design
Department of Communication and Design

Doğuş University
Faculty of Fine Arts and Design
Department of Graphics
Department of Industrial Product Design

Eastern Mediterranean University
Faculty of Communication
Department of Visual Arts and Visual Communication

Gazi University
Faculty of Fine Arts
Department of Industrial Design

Hacettepe University
Faculty of Fine Arts
Department of Graphic Design

Haliç University
Faculty of Architecture
Department of Architecture
Department of Interior Architecture
Department of Industrial Design
Faculty of Fine Arts
Department of Graphic Design
Department of Textile and Fashion Design

Işık University
Faculty of Fine Arts
Department of Industrial Product Designs

Istanbul Aydın University
Faculty of Fine Arts
Department of Graphic Design
Department of Fashion and Textile Design
Faculty of Communications
Department of Visual Communication

Istanbul Fashion Academy

Istanbul Technical University
Faculty of Architecture
Department of Architecture
Department of Industrial Product Design
Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Department of Landscape Architecture
Department of Interior Architecture
Faculty of Textile Technologies and Design
Textile Engineering
Department of Fashion Design

Istanbul Commerce University
Faculty of Engineering and Design
Department of Fashion and Textile Design

Izmir University of Economics
Faculty of Fine Arts and Design
Department of Industrial Design
Department of Visual Communication Design
Department of Architecture
Department of Fashion Design
Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design

Kadir Has University
Faculty of Fine Arts
Department of Industrial Design
Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design

Maltepe University
Faculty of Architecture
Department of Nautical Design
Department of Architecture
Department of Interior Architecture
Faculty of Fine Arts
Department of Graphic Design
Department of Cartoon Making – Animation
Department of Visual Arts
Faculty of Communication
Department of Visual Communication Design
Faculty of Radio, Television, and Cinema

Marmara University
Faculty of Fine Arts
Department of Industrial Design
Department of Graphic Design
Department of Interior Architecture
Department of Textile

Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University
Faculty of Architecture
Department of Architecture
Department of Interior Architecture
Department of Industrial Design
Faculty of Fine Arts
Department of Graphic Design
Department of Ceramics and Glass Design

Middle East Technical University
Faculty of Architecture
Department of Architecture
Department of Industrial Design

T.C Istanbul Culture University
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
Department of Architecture
Faculty of Art and Design
Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
Department of Communication Design and Multimedia

Yeditepe University
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
Department of Architecture
Faculty of Communication
Department of Visual Communication and Design
Department of Advertising Design and Communication

Yıldız Technical University
Faculty of Architecture
Department of Architecture
Faculty of Art and Design
Department of Communication Design


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